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Re: CVE Review meeting at MITRE, this August 11-12?

I'm on the road from Aug 3 - 20.  The following week is Usenix


On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 07:29:13PM -0400, Steven M. Christey wrote:
| All:
| I propose that the Editorial Board have a CVE Review meeting at MITRE
| (near Boston, Mass) from Wednesday August 11th to Thursday August
| 12th, to address any outstanding issues with respect to the CVE
| validation.
| Topics to be discussed at the meeting will include:
|   - resolving issues related to CVE content decisions
|   - reviewing any outstanding candidate vulnerabilities
|   - discuss the process for handling new, *live* vulnerability
|     information, and filling in gaps in the draft CVE
|   - discussing the impact of the CVE on tool mappings, if that
|     topic hasn't already been broached by then
| Adam Shostack suggested that the Black Hat Briefings in Las Vegas on
| July 7-8 might be a good time to have an interim meeting, if enough
| board members will already be attending.
| Please let Dave Mann and I know your ability to attend either of these
| events.  In the case of the CVE Review meeting at MITRE, please
| provide alternate dates if you can't make it on the 11th and 12th.
| Thanks,
| - Steve

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