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SUMMARY: Votes and scheduled decisions for active clusters

Below is a summary of all active clusters including proposal date,
scheduled final decision, and who has voted.  Note the CGI and BUF
clusters which were due for Final Decision a few days ago, but only
have one or two voters; NTLOW, DENY, and RESTLOW face a similar
problem in that they should reach Final Decision by this coming Friday
but won't, because of lack of votes.

- Steve

--------------------- CLUSTER CERT ---------------------

CERT (60 candidates) --> candidates associated with CERT advisories
Proposed: 6/7
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Wall --> ACCEPT(10)
  Shostack --> MODIFY(2) ACCEPT(14) REVIEWING(1) NOOP(1) REJECT(1)
  Hill --> ACCEPT(10)
  Christey --> REVIEWING(3) ACCEPT(5) MODIFY(2) RECAST(1)
  Northcutt --> MODIFY(3) REVIEWING(1) ACCEPT(13) RECAST(1) NOOP(1)
  Landfield --> ACCEPT(9)

<FINAL> --> 41
ACCEPT --> 4
MODIFY --> 5
RECAST --> 3
REJECT --> 1

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-AIX ---------------------

VEN-AIX (10 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from AIX vendor
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Frech --> MODIFY(4)
  Shostack --> ACCEPT(4)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(4)
  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(4)
  Prosser --> MODIFY(4)

<FINAL> --> 6
MODIFY --> 4

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-SUN ---------------------

VEN-SUN (18 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from SUN vendor
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Frech --> MODIFY(5) ACCEPT(2)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(7)
  Northcutt --> MODIFY(1) ACCEPT(6)
  Prosser --> ACCEPT(3) MODIFY(4)

<FINAL> --> 11
MODIFY --> 7

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-HP ---------------------

VEN-HP (11 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from HP vendor
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Frech --> MODIFY(7) ACCEPT(4)
  Shostack --> REVIEWING(1) MODIFY(1) NOOP(9)
  Hill --> ACCEPT(11)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(11)
  Northcutt --> NOOP(11)

ACCEPT --> 2
MODIFY --> 8

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-SGI ---------------------

VEN-SGI (7 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from SGI vendor
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Frech --> MODIFY(1)
  Shostack --> MODIFY(1)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(1)
  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(1)

<FINAL> --> 6
MODIFY --> 1

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-others ---------------------

VEN-others (2 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from other vendors
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Frech --> MODIFY(2)
  Shostack --> ACCEPT(2)
  Hill --> ACCEPT(2)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(2)
  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(2)
  Prosser --> ACCEPT(1) MODIFY(1)

MODIFY --> 2

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-ROUTER ---------------------

VEN-ROUTER (10 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from router vendors
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Frech --> MODIFY(7) ACCEPT(3)
  Hill --> ACCEPT(10)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(10)
  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(10)

ACCEPT --> 3
MODIFY --> 7

--------------------- CLUSTER VEN-BSD ---------------------

VEN-BSD (13 candidates) --> candidates with advisories from BSD vendors
Proposed: 6/17
Scheduled Interim Decision: 6/28
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/2

  Shostack --> ACCEPT(9) MODIFY(4)
  Hill --> ACCEPT(12) NOOP(1)
  Christey --> ACCEPT(13)
  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(12) MODIFY(1)

ACCEPT --> 9
MODIFY --> 4

--------------------- CLUSTER MULT ---------------------

MULT (35 candidates) --> Multiple executables split into
Proposed: 6/23
Scheduled Interim Decision: 7/5
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/9


<ANNOUNCED> --> 34

--------------------- CLUSTER CGI ---------------------

CGI (31 candidates) --> CGI programs
Proposed: 6/23
Scheduled Interim Decision: 7/5
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/9

  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(31)

ACCEPT --> 31

--------------------- CLUSTER BUF ---------------------

BUF (33 candidates) --> Some (not all) buffer overflows in single applications
Proposed: 6/23
Scheduled Interim Decision: 7/5
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/9

  Hill --> ACCEPT(32)
  Northcutt --> ACCEPT(32)

ACCEPT --> 32

--------------------- CLUSTER NTLOW ---------------------

NTLOW (19 candidates) --> Some low controversy NT vulnerabilities
Proposed: 6/29
Scheduled Interim Decision: 7/12
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/16

  Wall --> MODIFY(2) REVIEWING(7) ACCEPT(10)
  Hill --> ACCEPT(19)

ACCEPT --> 10
MODIFY --> 2

--------------------- CLUSTER DENY ---------------------

DENY (13 candidates) --> Some (not all) denial of service
Proposed: 6/29
Scheduled Interim Decision: 7/12
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/16

  Hill --> ACCEPT(13)
  Meunier --> ACCEPT(8) MODIFY(2) RECAST(1) NOOP(2)

ACCEPT --> 10
MODIFY --> 2
RECAST --> 1

--------------------- CLUSTER RESTLOW ---------------------

RESTLOW (39 candidates) --> The rest of the low-controversy vuln's
Proposed: 6/29
Scheduled Interim Decision: 7/12
Scheduled Final Decision: 7/16

  Hill --> ACCEPT(39)

ACCEPT --> 39

Page Last Updated or Reviewed: May 22, 2007