-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Stephen V.
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:27 PM
To: Boyle, Stephen V.
Subject: CVE ID Syntax change - Round two vote results and comments
- Issuance strategies for revised ID syntax identifiers
The question we would like to put to the Board is: “Would a more complete
discussion of issuance strategies prior to the voting period have affected
the way you voted?”
- 8 digit fixed ID field length of the revised Option A
As noted above, we want to make sure that the permanent selection of the
revised CVE ID Syntax is in accordance with the Board’s consensus opinion.
To that end, we want to hear from the Board members, particularly those with
concerns about the revised Option A. Most important is the question of whether
you would have voted differently if Option A was 7 digits, specifically, or
if you would have voted differently given some other number of fixed digits in
the ID field you would have deemed desirable.