My workflow doesn't support long term private data, in that I do not host private secret infrastructure. Also their email is placed in the CVE assignment that I send to MITRE, it was decided a long time ago that CVE requestors should stand behind their CVE entries as it were, for classic vendor CNA's that means or whatever, but for DWF these requests are directly coming in from random third parties, and I feel it is important to make it clear that by requesting this CVE you are also expected to stand behind it, otherwise people contact me with questions about a CVE and I cannot do anything. This is why having the original requestor email in the request and the terms of use is so important.
So how do we know this protonmail email address is PII? How do we know that person is in Europe?
The problem is GitHub appears to have an overly broad interpretation of GDPR which puts our data and project at risk.